Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve!

Whoo hoo! Christmas is tomorrow! I can't wit. I also have a Christmas Party at 4:00 pm @ my grandma's house, so I get presents there too. I'll be having 4 Christmases: 1 at Grammy's, 1 at my Dad's, 1 at my Mom's, and 1 at Eric's. We probably don't get presents at Erics but oh well!

Last night we spent the night at Bill's house (Dad's friend), but Dad woke us up at 4 in the morning. Then me drove home. Weird huh? Anyways, we got home and I went strait to bed. Slept until 10:15. I got 11 hours of sleep (cause I fell asleep @ 11 last night)!

I rented this really awesome game, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, and I beat the whole game in 4 days. Unfortunalty, Dad's going to take the game back today. I really like that game even though it was short. Also the game has a really sad ending! Starkiller (the apprentice) dies at the end!!! I was so angry! I thought there was going to be a sequel. I checked online for altenate endings, and there is one, but you don't get to continue. I would like to buy the game, but dad says it's $60 at Best Buy!! OMG! O well, I can still look on eBay!

Wo I'm tired...even though I slept forever...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

12 Days 'til Christmas!

Been a while...I've had finals and tests to study for and now I finally get a break!! Yay! I really miss Henry, and Kaitlin and Jackie; I miss those days of summer where Kaitlin and I would take Lucky around the corral and have him jump the cross-rail. I miss riding in the morning, with the sun shining through the fog...Ahh yes the good times...

I'm keeping contact with Kaitlin, but text messages aren't the same...

Bleh, I think I'm going to go play Horseland for a while...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


2 days until Thanksgiving. Yay..ish. Not too thrilled because I have 2 major projects due right after I get back. One has to be 5 pages long, the other 5 min. long (How many pages is 5 min?) Anyways, this weekend is going to be hard because after the break finals are coming up and projects are due and there's all this stress about making a passing grade and so on and so forth. Do the teachers enjoy giving us a bunch of work to stress about? There should be a limit of work a student can perform each night. Some teacher think that they are the only teacher you have and assign big papers due the next day when you have an important test or something due. Sheesh.

^ 2 of my favorite pieces of Art. It's Edward Scissorhands! DO NOT STEAL MY IMAGES!!!

Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving everyone! ^_^

Monday, November 17, 2008

First Schooling Show

Above is my first schooling show, which was on Sunday. I'm so pround of Henry even though we got 4th. Also I'm verrry pround of Kaitlin riding Milo to 1st place. U are awesome Kaitlin! I was also in 3 other classes: Walk + trot Equitation, Walk + Trot English Pleasure, and Equitation over poles. I placed 2nd in Eq. and 1st in Pleasure, but I got 5th in the poles class because I almost went the wrond way and Henry didn't stop where we were supposed to. Oh well, I'm super super proud of him anyways! I hope I get to take lessons over the winter! That'd be awesome!

I'm really craving crab tonight, luckily I'm gonna eat some tonight :)

Ughh, I officially hate my Spanish teacher! She gave us a big project where we have to create a family tree and memorize a bunch of sentences about each person (or pet) on our family tree. OMG, I'm so mad at her, and everyone hates her because it's due this Thursday, and we haven't totally become familiar with Chapter 5 (which talks about characteristics). Grr...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Oral Grades Next Week

Omg, I'm so freaked. Oral Grades are next week and I hope my Geometry grade is good. It's not that I'm failing; I can keep up with the class and I understand all of it, but the homwork it so llloooooooonnnnnnnnggggggg!!!! Like 30-40 problems a night! Sheesh! Honors Geometry is hard!

I saw Andrea (again). She waved to me, but I didn't have time to wave back because I saw her as I was walking to the library. DARN!! I could've said "hi" or something!

Kenny Rodgers Jackass Parody (Mad TV): Super funny. I think you'll like it Daddy!

Slug Bug: You'll laugh at this one Dad!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mousenose and I

There's this girl on Youtube and she's super popular (in my opinion) in the equestrian side of Youtube. Well, I sent her Edward Scissorhands (the whole movie is downloaded on Youtube) and she LOVED IT! Now we are talking and coming up with ideas about a music video and a bunch of other stuff. We also send each other videos of Edward if we find a good one. She even mentioned my name IN CAPS! Yay!

Slug Bug Dad!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Haloween!

Yay! It's Friday and Haloween! OMG I saw a really sad movie yesturday (well it was sad to me!) It was Edward Scissorhands!!! It almost made me cry (If I was alone I would have probably cried!) God it's so cute! but sad! is still rough as usual. We started To Kill a Mockingbird in Mrs. Kylsmdkfjsdfsdb's class (English). Her name is so long! Don't bother trying to spell it! I've been really lonely this past week. I mean usually I go see Bianca (she's a junior) but we didn't eat together at lunch all week because of the rain and/or schoolwork.

Damn! I messed up on my essay again!! I HATE MLA format! It's too confusing and messing up my grade all the time! I have an A- in her class now, I'll probably get knocked down for that! Dang it!!!!

I kind-of blame myself for isolating myself from andrea. I always thought she was happy with her friends...I saw her today at the lockers. I wanted to wave or say hi, but she was with Jenny. I didn't think she wanted to talk to me...but maybe she did..?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Math League

Today at school we had Math League. You go in Room 34 at lunch and just do the worksheet they hand to you. SUPER DUPER boring way to spend your lunch. But whichever questions you get right, it adds to your math grade. So it was pretty cool. Since I'm in Honor's Geometry, I am forced to go to at least 2 per semester (there are 3 maximum). I saw Andrea and I waved but she didn't even say hi. Just looked and smiled. I mean we talked last week through text messages, and I thought we were really getting along...guess not. Back to square one. I don't want to give up on her because she is struggling with life, but I might because she hasn't done anything for me. It's too hard to thing about friends right now. I'm gonna do my Geometry homework now..BYE!

Hi Dad! How's work? Are you very busy (obviously not 'cause you are reading this :P) I luf you!!! I found a MAD TV John Madden Popcorn Popper parody you might like.I laughed so hard! Enjoy :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

No School!

Awesome! No school today! Whee! a whole day to myself! I drew a horse...check it out!

My art teacher loves my drawings (she said I can draw better than her!) Well, it's really boring with nothing to do...I hope Andrea is doing ok. I read her blog yesterday. I wish I could be there for her, but I think she really forgot about me...oh well. Life goes on....I guess. Now that I think about it...I wonder how Paige is doing. I remember she moved to Pensylvania after 5th grade. Does she still think of me? I sure hope so. And what about Sarah? She only moved an hour away...I think she remembers me. Not to mention all my Middle School pals. Where have they all gone? I really miss you guys! I hope life is good for you!

I never take a single friend for granted. I hope you don't either.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

High School....

I've been SUPER busy; with 3 honors classes and one college prep class, there's hardly any time to sit down and type a post! I finally got a day off...FRIDAY! Yess! So...I've also spent a lot of time on Youtube, and riding too. Oh...have I told you? I'm taking riding lessons at a private ranch. It's awesome! I ride this short little pony named Henry. He's super grumpy but totally awesome!

So, wanna take a look at meh schedule?

1st period: Honors Physical Science- Taught by Mr. Benenson. He's the best teacher ever! He's funny too! (I have to take Biology next year...or is it Chemistry?)

2nd period: P.E.- Taught by Ms. Sweeny. Kinda like Sweeny Todd, but not really... :) We actually have a Student Teacher, His name is Mr. T. Our class is trying to get his sense of humor out...

3rd period: ART!!!- Taught by Lee (we just call her by her first name). She's awesome! She's really down to Earth and not like a srict teacher-type person.

4th period: Geometry- Taught by Ms. Huffman (Why is no one Mrs. anyone?) This is the class I almost failed in! I did some Extra Credit and bumped my grade to a C+!

5th period: Spanish- Taught by Ms. Abbollo. (Her husband is Italian! And she's teaching Spanish?!?!) Anyways, her class is easy as long as you do your work and memorize really good. She goes really fast though, it's like she's in some kind of race....We went through Chapter 3 in like three days!

6th period: English- Taught by Mrs. Kylingstad. She's really sweet, but SUPER (i mean realllly..) strict about her stupid MLA Essay format! I got a D- on my essay I just recieved today because it wasn't the right format and I didn't indent where I should have (followed by bad word choice.)

I also have block period, which means 1st, 3rd, and 5th period on Tuesdays/ Thursdays, and 2nd, 4th, and 6th period on Wednesdays/ Fridays (Mondays are all period days). Well, I go to get to my homework. Ta Ta!
